Issue Management
Get real-time reports and regain full visibility within all links of the company. Identify repeating issues, new issues, and root causes, before they become liabilities.

Informed decisions & wise action
Identify & Handle Issues Effectively
Issue management is about:
- Identifying and mapping issues
- Assessing the probability and consequences
- Analyzing priority issues
- Laying down strategies for handling priority issues
We can’t help you with the strategies – but we can ensure you have all the data you need to make informed decisions and take wise action.
By using the app for issue management, we can help you ensure that you effectively handle repeating issues, new issues, and root causes throughout the company.
What You Can Do With
Issue Management
Regain Visibility
With a digitized tool, you are able to regain visibility within all links of your company. This allows you to follow how campaigns, standards, and programs are executed in real-time and take direct action if needed.
Be Proactive
Get real-time reports from all sites and identify and fix issues related to loss prevention before they become liabilities or affect your bottom line.
Keep Track on Development
With the app, you can continuously monitor each store or location’s development. This allows you to base future decisions on facts and not gut feelings. And your data is always safe with us.
Focus Your Communication
Pinpoint areas that need attention to only the responsible person and avoid unnecessary mass communication.
The Features You Need
Custom Reports that Reduce Risks
Get real-time reports from all sites and identify repeating issues, best and worst, negative trends, and root causes – before they become liabilities.
Delegate Tasks
Delegate single or multiple tasks – to one or hundred recipients. Use it to complete checklists or to-dos. Add short text or upload a document brief for the more complex tasks.
If an issue arises, the system can also automatically delegate a specific task to the person in charge. E.g., if something is broken and needs to be fixed.
Checklists & Surveys
This is a core feature for all with large teams and standards to uphold. Customized surveys and checklists will keep both standards and performance high.
Photo Management
Never again struggle with uploading, staring, and storing photos. All photo management you need is available through the app. Attach photos to audits, tasks, and corrective actions. Fast and easy.
Corrective Action
Use this feature to assign corrective action. It can be set up to automatically notify if an error is recurring – including due dates and illustrations. Or the notification can be done manually in real time.
Simple & Effective E-Trainings
Our e-training module is not a complicated “academy/e-learning” system, but a simple and fast way to train employees. Read more about e-training in the app here.
Easy Access & Implementation
The app is Cloud-based. It works on all devices – both online and offline. This also makes the implementation of the system very easy.
Clean & Professional User Interface
We keep things simple to make your everyday job easier and more effective.
Get Inspired
What Others Are Saying

Walbusch Filialen
“I can see directly on my dashboard which stores are good at reaching their goals and which are not. I can troubleshoot and address potential issues ahead of time; is the problem a lack of motivation, the methodology, the communication with the store manager, etc.?”
Sören Hinz, Branch Sales Manager

Flying Tiger Copenhagen
The multi-unit company uses issue management to communicate between the stores and headquarters regarding problems/issues the stores cannot fix.
Chain of DIY & Hardware Stores
“It also shines a light on strengths and weaknesses in the company, which is a great tool for both Regional Managers, Store Managers, and Assistant Managers.”
Ramazan Kanbul, Regional Manager
The Automotive Industry
“If the workshop is responsible for fixing a problem, an auto-generated report alerts the workshop and the responsible Field Manager. It allows us to monitor whether tasks are carried out without driving nationwide.”
Allan Trynskov, Field Manager
FREE Trial
It’s much easier than it sounds! The setup doesn’t require the installation of any software. All you need is our team task management app.
Sören Hinz, Walbusch Filialen, says: “The process is very easy and very fast! Now we have everything we need – combined in one tool.”